UTF conversions in C++ 11

Posted by Jan Kleszczyński on February 28, 2017

Converting strings on Windows

Text is almost always an important part of a game. To achieve better recognition and reach audience as big as posible we translate content to many languages, some of them (including mine) have more glyphs than English so we need a way to encode those, and ASCII isn’t a good option. But there are many Unicode standards which are widly used and the most common seems to be UTF-8.

In Windows API uses either Multibyte Character Set (which is not a UTF-8) or UTF-16 to represent localized strings. To use UTF-8 one needs to convert MBCS string to UTF-16 using system function MultiByteToWideChar and use it with wide character functions (e.g. MessageBoxW instead of MessageBoxA). And calling it is very “C”:

LPCSTR c_buff = u8"utf-8 text \u0105\u0107\u0119\u015B";  // use of u8 literal to force utf8 encoding 
int buff_len = lstrlen(c_buff);

int size = MultiByteToWideChar(                           // how many wide chars we need
  CP_UTF8, 0, c_buff, buff_len, NULL, 0

size += 1;                                                // add one
buff_len += 1;                                            // for null char

LPWSTR w_buff = (LPWSTR)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * (size));   // allocate wide char buffer
ZeroMemory(w_buff, size);

MultiByteToWideChar(                                      // convert UTF-8 to UTF-16
  CP_UTF8, 0, c_buff, buff_len, w_buff, size

MessageBoxW(NULL, (LPCWSTR)w_buff, NULL, 0);              // use it

Message in the box should be “utf-8 text ąćęś”. Ok, so it is a lot of work to convert strings, at least enought to create a single header lib like one by Randy Gaul. But there is another way to do it and it’s in the C++11 standard!

C++ Localization library

Localization library is being used for many things, you can find it here, but since C++11 two important templates have beed added: std::wstring_convert and std::codecvt_utf8_utf16. Class wstring_convert has methods to_bytes, returning std::string and from_bytes which return type depends on wstring_convert’s second template parameter. As a first parameter one needs to pass a conversion facet type defining how to perform a conversion. And that is where std::codecvt_utf8_utf16 goes.

To use standard’s conversion two headers are needed. First one is <locale> for converter class* and the second is <codecvt> for conversion facet.

* However, on MS Visual Studio 2015 it works without including <locale>.

Below is a simple implementation of helper functions which I now use for string encoding conversions.

#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>

namespace utf_converter
    using converter = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t>;

    std::string utf16_to_utf8(std::wstring utf16_string)
        return converter{}.to_bytes(utf16_string);

    std::wstring utf8_to_utf16(std::string utf8_string)
        return converter{}.from_bytes(utf8_string);